Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Home Schoool Partnership Evening - ESOL Night

The Home school Partnership - ESOL evening was a night full of good food and great discussion and about meeting the needs of families where English is a second language. Thank you everyone who helped cook dinner and prepare for the evening. Mr Power you are the greatest baby sitter ever and Miss Borkin.... the sprinkles were perfect!

More Eggciting Appartments!

Keeping Ourselves Safe

We have been looking after our eggs. Check out our egg whares.

Yay! I have found my password!!!!

Sorry for not posting any up dates over the last 2 weeks. A small technical hitch, but we are back on track now!!!! Talofa!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

New Kiwi Kids News Site

Check out this new site: Kiwi Kids News.

Scrambled Eggs!!!

Oh dear guess what happened to Natalia's, Paris's and Puna's eggs?


They had a lot of explaining to do today and I think they must have had their creative hats on because the stories I heard!

Egg reminders and hints:
Never leave your egg alone unless you have a safety plan for being a lone.
Before you leave your egg with an egg sitter... think do I trust this person?
Have you made your egg comfortable?
Does it have all the things that a egg needs to survive?

Keeping Ourselves Safe - The Great Egg Challenge

On Monday Miss Mason handed out eggs to everyone. We are learning to keep ourselves safe and this week we are going to look after our eggs. By looking after our eggs we will learn about responsibility and how to care for something special. I hope we don't end up with too many scrambled eggs!!!!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

NZ Music Month